As Father's Day fast approaches, June 19th, 2022 to be exact, it is not surprising many of us reflect on our relationships with our own fathers. Consequently, our minds start to deliberate on what the ideal gift would be for our own fathers, or the father figures in our lives.
Traditionally, Father's Day took place on March19th, which is the date the Catholic church celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph. While the modern version of Father's Day began in the United States in 1910, it was soon adopted in Canada, and Canadians have celebrated Father's Day ever since.
In Canada, Father's Day is observed to honour fatherhood the third Sunday in June. Though Father's Day is not a public holiday, many Canadians celebrate this day to show appreciation and give respect to all fathers, and father figures.
Many sons and daughters across the country, whether they live at home or have long left the nest, are thinking about how they will celebrate their dads and how much they will spend. Before we go down this road, let's get some insight into what being a father in Canada is all about.
As of the last Stats Canada Survey conducted in 2011 on the topic of fatherhood in Canada. About 3.8 million of these fathers have young children under the age of 18 years living with them. The average age of a first-time father at the time of the survey was 28.3 yrs. It is interesting to note, the proportion of one - parent families in Canada were just over 1.5 million.
Not surprisingly, 79% of those households are being headed by a woman and 21% by a man. It is when parents separate and divorce that fathers seem to spend less time with their children compared to mothers.
So, before you contribute to the 1.4 billion dollars that CBC predicts will be spent on Father's Day this year, let's consider a gift of experience that celebrates the passions of these fathers and father figures.
The Top 5 experiences the team at Uptown Life Concierge suggests are:
1. Arranging to have their shoes shone.
2. The delivery of their favourite cigar and scotch.
3. Cooking Classes
4. A beer tasting
5. A subscription for an online learning service like Masterclass or Skill-Share
Father's Day Take Away:
"Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father. "
Barack Obama (Former President of the USA).