Our team at Uptown Life Concierge wants to ensure you're prepared and organized while keeping safety top of mind during the time of Trick or Treating.
It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that
Almost stops your heart
You try to scream
- Michael Jackson's Thriller, 1982
Be Prepared
Halloween can be a very cold night. When planning your costume, keep layering in mind. Before you head out for a fun night of scares, treats and more, be sure you have everything you need to have an enjoyable night:
Your costume (of course)
A bag, or bucket for treats
Warm base layers underneath your costume
Comfortable shoes
A flashlight
A camera
A quality jacket (we suggest a heated one)
Fully charged cell phone
Travel sized first aid kit
House keys/ codes/etc
Gloves, hats, and warm socks.
Be Organized
Take time to exhale, relieve some pressure as there is no right or wrong time to decorate for Halloween. One factor that might influence your Halloween decoration timeline installation, your neighbours. Are your neighbours super into this time of year? Do they go all out decorating their home to get the neighbourhood into holiday spirit? If so, consider joining their timeline so you can set the mood for the block and bring an extra bit of magic for the local kids to enjoy.
NOTE: If you're not yet comfortable handing out candies to the various trick or treaters, be sure to place treats in an easily accessible area and the door of your home so they don't have to come inside.
Be Safe
Eight essential tips we suggest everyone follows:
Don't keep candles burning in Jack o’Lanterns or luminaries. Consider using battery operated flames.
Opt for a safer pumpkin "carving" by painting them or decorating with stickers.
Look for flame resistant costumes, wigs, and accessories. Make sure your dress or outfit is the proper length and fit, to avoid tripping.
If applying face paint, be careful around the eyes and test for any skin allergies before using it.
Avoid using contact lenses that alter the look or colour of your eyes as they can be hazardous to your eye health.
Use a flashlight, LED light, or apply reflective tape to your costume, as it will allow you to see and be seen by others including approaching cars.
If you wear a mask, test for full visibility out of the eye holes and proper breathability.
If your costume requires a sword or weapon, do not swing it around and keep the pointed part away from yourself and others.
Kids Safety
Never go inside a home to accept candy.
Have parents check the contents of your treat bag.
Have an allergy safe Halloween. Review each label for potentially harmful ingredients, like peanuts, tree nuts, dairy and gluten.
Brush your teeth before bed.
Happy Halloween, From everyone at Uptown Life Concierge!